Thursday, 28 March 2013

Easter Celebrations

It was a buzz in the 1/2 building today as the students enjoyed the last day of the term. Each grade celebrated Easter in their own ways, my Easter bunny ears and tail were a hit with the kids.

My grade spent the morning finishing off their portfolios and reflecting back on their learning for the term. We then went on to make Easter baskets and cards, with the Easter bunny visiting while they were at assembly. Our school assembly today included the draw of our Easter raffle. The school community were asked to donate the prizes, it was amazing to see over 50 prizes given out to the winners, although I was a little disappointed that I wasn't one of them.

As I said goodbye to my students and they all smiled and said have a great holiday. I realised that I do really have one of the best jobs in the world.

Happy Easter to you and your family, I hope the bunny brings you lots of chocolate.



  1. Great to see you've started a blog Claire. I was hoping to win one of those raffles too, but suddenly realised I forgot to buy a ticket! Have a lovely holiday.

  2. Thanks Annie, I have been meaning to do it all year. I hope you have a lovely Easter and break.
