Thursday, 28 March 2013

Easter Celebrations

It was a buzz in the 1/2 building today as the students enjoyed the last day of the term. Each grade celebrated Easter in their own ways, my Easter bunny ears and tail were a hit with the kids.

My grade spent the morning finishing off their portfolios and reflecting back on their learning for the term. We then went on to make Easter baskets and cards, with the Easter bunny visiting while they were at assembly. Our school assembly today included the draw of our Easter raffle. The school community were asked to donate the prizes, it was amazing to see over 50 prizes given out to the winners, although I was a little disappointed that I wasn't one of them.

As I said goodbye to my students and they all smiled and said have a great holiday. I realised that I do really have one of the best jobs in the world.

Happy Easter to you and your family, I hope the bunny brings you lots of chocolate.


Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Today I asked my students to complete a reflection sheet on their learning for the term. This will be the last task to go in their portfolios for the term. After reading their reflections and adding a teacher comment I was overwhelmed by the goals that they have set themselves for next term. Not only were the goals reflecting their learning, but they were also achievable. 

I shared these reflections with my classroom neighbor, Sue and she commented that this was feedback on my teaching from my students. A common theme was their enjoyment of Daily 5 and our recent Pirate Day. 

As I was reading their reflections I started to reflect on my own teaching this year. 

This year I  have made the big change moving from Prep (where I had been for three years) to teaching 1/2. I had the requested 1/2 as I wanted to move away from Prep and continue to develop my teaching skills and own learning. As well as sharing the journey of learning with some of my previous Preppies. 

Last year I team taught with Paula, who also happens to be an amazing teacher, coach and Leading Teacher at my school. We had spent a lot of time last year developing our and our students skills and knowledge in Daily 5 and I really wanted to continue on with this with our students. My focus this term has been continuing to develop Daily 5 and after reading my students reflections/feedback I think I am doing a pretty good job.

One day to go... Where has the term gone?!  


A Successful Pirate Day


Wow what a day... I am happy to say Pirate Day was a success. The day began with photos and then a parade for some of the older students. It was fabulous to see 80 plus students and teachers dressed up.

My students took part in writing tasks, drawing themselves as a pirate, word searches, decorating a biscuit, playing roll a pirate, making a pirate hat and attending pirate library.

 I do love dressing up and planning a day around the theme. Thank you to my volunteer student teacher and integration aide they were a fantastic help and I am learning to let go (I do like to be in control).

I threw my student teacher off the plank and fed her to the sharks today by getting her to plan and take a writing lesson. As any teacher would know your first few lessons are nerve racking and it can be hard to focus students when they are dressed up. Emma did extremely well and should be proud of her lesson and teaching.

I topped of a great day with sharing my Literacy planning with a group of teachers from my school (which I will be sharing in a later blog) and for those wondering yes I was in costume. 


Monday, 25 March 2013

Arrgghh it's nearly Pirate Day

I have been wanting to start a blog all term after following a few other teacher's blogs. So here I am in the last week of the term and I finally decided to get organised and let's say this bugs me as I love to be organised.

Ahoy! Tomorrow is Pirate Day in my section and I can't wait to celebrate our term of learning 'Down to the Sea' with my students and the other 1/2 grades. We have a fun filled day of pirate activities planned including a parade, drawing ourselves as pirates, finding our pirate name, creating pirate biscuits and many other things.

I absolutely love dress up days and I can't wait to see all of students dressed up and show off my outfit. Although I have learnt that I hate velvet and trying to sew with it!

I look forward to sharing our celebrations with you tomorrow.
